make your heart a nectar pot

 – Books –

Imlitala Mahatmya

The wonderful book “Imlitalā Mahātmya” by Śrīla Bhakti Saraṅga Gosvāmī Mahārāja is available as an Ebook in English, click here to go to its page.

Perfect Imperfection

The book Perfect Imperfection is available as an Ebook in English, click here to go to its page.

Yoga of Empathy

The book Yoga of Empathy is in the making. Click here to go to its page.

Unity in Diversity

The book Unity in Diversity is available as an Ebook in English, click here to go to its page.

Farm Acarya

The book Farm Acarya is available as an Ebook in English, click here to go to its page.

Need of the Hour

The book Need of the Hour is available as an Ebook in English, click here to buy it from Amazon.

 – Articles –